Building A Strong Foundation and Rich Language for All.
The English Department aims to develop effective language use through a two-pronged approach of building a strong foundation and providing rich language for all.
Teachers will focus on developing the following areas of language learning in students:
- Listening and Viewing
- Reading and Viewing
- Speaking and Representing
- Writing and Representing
Key Programmes
STELLAR (P1 to P6)
STrategies for English Language Learning And Reading
STELLAR aims to strengthen both language and reading skills as well as promote a positive attitude towards reading in the foundational years through the use of well-established, learner-centred and developmentally appropriate pedagogical approaches using authentic children’s literature.
With the rollout of the English Language Syllabus 2020 (ELS 2020), the STELLAR programme was reviewed and refined to better prepare learners for the changing context of language use. This includes:
- a greater need for linguistic and communicative competence, adaptability and flexibility for a more disruptive global environment
- rapid development in information technology that has shaped our understanding of literacy and linguistic skills in English to include multiliteracies
- future workplace readiness with rising emphasis on interpersonal skills, higher-order cognitive skills and information systems skills.
STELLAR2.0 is an enhancement of the STELLAR (Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading) programme. While the STELLAR2.0 programme continues to develop students who love reading and have a strong foundation in the English Language, language learning and use in the 21st century must go beyond the basic notion of literacy to include multiple competencies to enable our young to capitalise on the rich opportunities of the digital age. Given the increased communication demands expected of students in the 21st century, EL teaching and learning is re-examined to strengthen EL teaching practices through the key shifts in ELS2020.
Learning Support Programme (LSP) (P1 & P2)
LSP aims to provide learning support to children who enter P1 with weak language and literacy skills, These students are taken out of the English main class for small group teaching for 30 min daily.
School-Based Dyslexia Remediation (SDR) (P3 & P4)
SDR is a programme developed by MOE to enable students to read and spell confidently; and understand a variety of texts, using a range of comprehension strategies.
Reading Remediation Programme (RRP) (P3 & P4)
RRP is a programme developed by MOE to enable students to read grade level texts with fluency and comprehension. Students attend lessons conducted after school hours.
High Progress (HP) Enrichment (P3 to P5)
HP Enrichment is in the form of literature appreciation such as novel study where students engage in extensive reading and understanding of different types of rich texts for pleasure. Students learn to read critically by focusing on implied meaning, higher-order thinking, judgement and evaluation.